Sunday, October 26, 2008

Shooting an Elephant

Definition of enemy is a person in opposition or a hostile force.
Enemies in this story are as follows:
a) Burmese were the enemies of the Britishers because they were ruling against the desire of Burmese. The Britishers were ruling Burma at that time and the Burmese considered them as their enemies because while ruling them the Britishers unleashed atrocities aginst Burmese. So, there was great hatred against them.
b) As the Britishers were ruling Burma therefore, they considered Burmese as their enemies, as the Burmese used to defy their rules.
Both of these parties took each other as their enemies but the Burmese were fighting for their freedom,therefore the enimity was justify . On the other hand the Britishers were trying to supress Burmese in order to rule over them. They were not justified in doing so because sovereignity is the right of all nations.

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